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Dear Mira, you are the only one who knows how truly crazy I am. You know me out and in. We have met when I am still an innocent girl (you have to admit it ) before I experienced that so called "culture shock" during our matriculation life. You know how drastically I changed. You know how crazy I can be literally. You know how havoc I can be. You know how moody I can be. But you never afraid of it. Instead, you help me to control my craziness and my mood swing. And thanks to you, I always save myself from a big humiliation. I don't know whether you still remember those moments. The recent one, surely the call that you receive on 4 am. When you strongly reject my crazy intention to make my confession. Fuhh, I really owed you the big one. 

Dear Mira, if one day, you and I never spoke to each other anymore, may ALLAH forbid it, I have to ask a lawyer to interdict you because you know lots of my secrets. Hehehehehehe. Just kidding. A million memories, thousand jokes (especially "that"jokes) and hundred secrets, I share with you. From my crush to my dark secrets , you know almost of it. And I know some of you too. I can't imagine myself if one day you are not here with me, who else can be my garbage can and my crying shoulder. Truth to be told, I almost told you everything. And now, we share lots of our own dream, vision and philosophy. And , you always make me amazed (just like last night). I always felt inspired after our long conservation. You make me to always keep improve myself and I always fell that I have to be better. You are like Dr Phil to me. Hehehehehe.

Dear Mira, you have made the hard times easier. You have met me when I used to called as the "smart" ones. Mid The Thinker. When study is not really a problem to me. When you used to called me as a reference center. When I am at my peak, you stay with me, walking with me under a bright and glitter light. But when my spinning wheel start to change its axis, I am crumbled down. I am start to think that everyone surely left me behind. I start to isolate myself. But, thanks to ALLAH, He did not take everything from me. You reach out for me. You stick with me, helped me and pushed me from my bottom pit. Sometimes you have to be so fierce to me, sometimes you are so mean to me. But, I know that was only way for you to make me stand up and fight again. Despite your busy schedule, you still make a time for me. And I know you never failed to skype me once in a while just to check whether I am okay or not. This is my confession to the world. If my family is the reason why I am still keep going, you are the reason why I can still keep going. If that time, you are not mad at me, I can't even imagine where I will be today. There is a time that your simple good morning wake me up from my laziness and make me appreciate my day more. Those time by just knowing that you always have my back is the reason why I can start again. I maybe always take you for granted. I never once buy you a present or treat you to dinner. But I just wanna let you know that every time I felt fed up with my life, I always imagine myself that someday,  both of us will enjoying our weekend, having a nice chit chat at a really exclusive restaurant. Or maybe we can go to trip together. That's imagination really fired me up and boost back my spirit. You really my muse and my inspiration. I love you always, Mira. may our friendship stay forever till Jannah.

Let me end my writing here. Sorry for whatever mistake I had done with this post because I just spontaneously writ it up after a long hour class.


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