From the cooperative learning activity, I learnt that as a engineer, we must inform the public or client about the project or product truthfully without hiding anything. Code of Professional Conduct state that a registered engineer shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner. If not, our ignorant action will cause a negative effect to public or our client. As an example, we can refer to DC 10 Cargo Door case. This engineering failure caused a crash that killed all 346 people onboard. All 346 people had died just because the cargo had its door blown off at 10 000 feet. This disaster can be prevent if the responsible engineer inform about the serious design flaws at cargo door to the public or report it to the government. Even the engineers pressed the matter through normal channel to the highest level within both companies, but did not take it any further. If they are insists with their decision, maybe they can prevent this disaster. ...