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Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering (BBEng) at UM

Biomedical Engineering involves the application of the latest advances in engineering and scientific knowledge for biomedical use. Our undergraduate programme prepares students for positions in biomedical engineering industries or to pursue advanced postgraduate studies. During the first and second years of study, you will focus upon core electrical and mechanical engineering and biology-based topics giving you a firm foundation upon which to build the rest of your degree program. To enhance your soft skills a Critical Thinking and Communication course is provided all students.

The third year moves engineering topics to a more advanced level as well as incorporating an industrial placement module, bringing both a higher level of practical expertise and engineering exposure which will benefit students throughout the rest of the programme and in their future careers. Prior to industrial placement, students have an opportunity to interact with medical specialists at the University of Malaya Medical Centre that adds further depth to their work. This provides student an opportunity to suggest solutions to overcome the problem faced by UMMC.

The final year is dominated by the final year thesis project and elective topics. The elective components permit students to shape their own direction as preparation for a future career. Due to diverse specialties of our lecturers, students have opportunity to specialize in a wide range of fields. At the end of the thesis project, the students are obliged to present and defend their project. The Department organizes visits to industry every year to expose students to a commercial working environment. There are also lectures from the industry in every semester to enable students to hear first hand from prominent biomedical engineers.

Career Opportunities

* Biomedical Engineer
* Biomedical Equipment Engineer
* Medical Science Officer
* Researcher

Course Modules
Information Skills
Thinking and Communications Skills
Moral and Ethics in the Engineering Profession
Economics, Finance and Engineering
Project Management
Engineering Law
Management, Entrepreneurial and Engineering
Basic Engineering Calculus
Basic Engineering Algebra
Normal Differential Equations
Vector Analysis
Human System I & II
Thermofluid I & II
Basic Biochemistry
Workshop Technology
Basics of Digital Logic Design
Biomechanics I & II
Computer Assisted Drawing
Electric Circuits Analysis
Electrical Machines and Drivers
Computer and Programming
Mechanic Materials I & II
Microprocessing Systems
Medical Electronics
Basic Biomaterials
Control Systems
Mechanical Machines
Biomedical Statistics
Signals and Systems
Biomedical Engineering Safety
Clinical Engineering
Artificial Organs and Biotransportation
Biomedical Engineering Imaging
Perspective in Medical Technology

Ini pula syarat2 yang diberikan: (

Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (3.00) pada peringkat Matrikulasi/Asasi dalam mata pelajaran berikut:

Mathematics/Engineering Mathematics; dan
Physics/Engineering Physics


Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred B (3.00) pada peringkat Matrikulasi/Asasi dalam mata pelajaran berikut:



Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya Gred A- (3.67) pada peringkat Matrikulasi/Asasi dalam mata pelajaran berikut:



Mendapat sekurang-kurangnya 2A pada peringkat SPM dalam mata pelajaran berikut:


Keutamaan diberi kepada calon yang mengambil mata pelajaran Biology pada peringkat Matrikulasi/Asasi.


  1. this course for physical students from matriculation programme coz it seems like only life students can apply for such course. Can u answer my question.

  2. ermahida reply....

    course ih terbuka kepada semua students tapi keutamaan diberikan kepada dak2 bio.... kita takkan taukan selagi tak mencuba....


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