Rasa nak kongsi pula, sajak yang saya dapat dari para sahabat saya di ILUVISLAM. Buat para sahabat ana minta maaf kerana memaparkan hasil nukilan ente semua........
Love ...
Would make you blind
But it matters when love blinds me from seing Allah’s light
Would make you forget
I don’t care to much if I couldn’t remember
But it matter when love makes me forget Allah
Love ...
Makes you a fool
I don’t care so much in being a fool
But it matter if I am a fool in telling the difference between right and wrong
makes you happy
But why should I be happy
When I should be grieving for disobeying Allah’s order
needs a lot of sacrifice
I am willing to sacrifice
But why should I sacrifice, if it is not for Allah?
Why should I love
If it is not for Allah
Love ...
Would make you blind
But it matters when love blinds me from seing Allah’s light
Would make you forget
I don’t care to much if I couldn’t remember
But it matter when love makes me forget Allah
Love ...
Makes you a fool
I don’t care so much in being a fool
But it matter if I am a fool in telling the difference between right and wrong
makes you happy
But why should I be happy
When I should be grieving for disobeying Allah’s order
needs a lot of sacrifice
I am willing to sacrifice
But why should I sacrifice, if it is not for Allah?
Why should I love
If it is not for Allah
Catat Ulasan